Our research priorities are used to determine the research undertaken in the clinic. They are:
- That the proposed research project will enable the overall aims and milestones of the BRC ‘Mental Health in Development’ theme to be achieved (i.e. recruitment to research studies, prioritising studies that involve the development of targeted, effective, and accessible mental health interventions that meet the needs of diverse children and young people).
- That the research project is aligned with the priorities of Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust.
- That the research project has patient and public involvement (PPI) and involvement of other key stakeholders as necessary.
- That the project reflects principles of equality, diversity, and inclusion.
- Where there are multiple research projects aiming to conduct research with the same clinical groups, projects that are externally funded will take priority, followed by those which have a good chance of underpinning future research funding.
- That the work in the project plan is sufficiently resourced.
- That risks have been assessed and appropriate mitigating actions are in place.
Additionally, researchers will need to work with the clinic to ensure that the study methodology is feasible within the context of existing clinical procedures.